Two things can be true at once. Both pieces have value.
Our lives are full of contradictions. Here are some examples from my life.
Do you have a theme that seems to run throughout your life?
Something that happens over and over until you find yourself saying, “Story of my life!”
For me, it’s the idea of paradox. Here’s the dictionary definition.
par a dox noun A seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true.
In other words. Two things can be true at once. I’d love to hear what paradoxes show up for you. Don’t be shy! Think about it, and BE NICE in the process.
The problem isn’t the light and shadow of who we are…
…but the fact that we don’t feel comfortable or allowed to love the parts of us that aren’t glorious sunshine.

I promise you are worth loving! And yes, I’d say that even if I knew everything.
The common element in all my work, both with individuals and families, is the idea that as humans we are loved and can progress in our messy meltdowns AND moments of sheer bliss.
So, if you often feel like a mess AND want to feel pulled together, welcome!
All the pieces of you are loved here.
A small tidbit. I don’t do fake, and I don’t like to play games.
Which means, I promise to show up honestly and with a whole lotta love.
I invite you to do the same.
Much Love, Michelle